Are you taking the pain and alchemizing it into gold? Have you zoomed out and looked at the hurt from a broader scope? Are you taking the life experience and using it as a learning experience?
There is beauty in the ability to look from the outside, looking in, just as there is beauty in the ability to look from the inside outward.
Everything in your life path is here to teach you something. If you learn the lesson, you get to level up. Each level is a higher state of consciousness and self-awareness. If you refuse the lesson, or do not learn from it, the Universe will continue to send you the same lesson over and over again until it is learned.
It may be in a different form, but it will be the same lesson. It could be attracting the same type of toxic relationship. It may be the same type of dead end job that you are miserable at. It could be the same type of friend continuing to take advantage of your kind nature for not setting healthy boundaries.
Whatever it is,…. it will continue to manifest itself until it is learned. Make sure that whatever negative or toxic cycle you are stuck in that you take the time to process, learn, and integrate. There is a whole new way of positive living in the classroom down the hall. But remember school is never out and you never graduate, but instead always get to constantly become a better version of yourself.
Love and light!
I AM learning
I FEEL myself getting better
I DO know that life is a classroom
I LOVE the ability to look inward
I SPEAK words of affirmation
I SEE I am always growing
I UNDERSTAND I am here to learn
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