Healing is hard. No one said it would be easy. The most difficult times are often the most important moments to push through.
During these times, whether you want to or not, you just have to get up, keep your head down, and focus on the small steps—watching your feet as you take each one forward. You will get through it. It does get easier.
There will be moments when you feel like you’ve made it out of the woods, only to find life pushing you back in. When that happens, just get up and keep moving forward. Eventually, you’ll look up to see a bright sky, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and notice the cool breeze on your skin. In that moment, you’ll know you’ve made it.
I know it can seem endless at times, as though the struggle will go on forever. But it won’t. As long as you keep moving in the right direction and commit to doing the work, you will arrive.
And when you do, you’ll realize you were guided and protected by a force beyond your comprehension throughout the entire journey.