High-vibrational people lead to high-vibrational experiences. If you only surround yourself and interact with people operating on the higher vibrations of love, trust, joy, honesty, etc. You will match that vibration and attract the life experiences that come along with that.
If you only surround yourself with those who operate from the lower vibrations of anger, fear, jealousy, hate, etc. Then you will attract those life experiences.
I have been very selective of whom I surround myself with, and whom I let into my world. And as a result, my life experiences reflect that. If you are not building me up, or adding to my cup, or are neutral, then you are gone! If you are taking from me, holding me back or sucking my energy dry, then you are gone! I am done people pleasing for your benefit!
This is not to say that if you are living a life rooted in the lower vibrations, and want to honestly change and come to me for help, and to learn how to get out of the loop. I am here for you. But again, if your motive is to steal my energy or high vibration, then, sorry, but goodbyes are in order.
Match the people in your life with the life you desire to have. The rest will happen automatically.
Love and light!
I AM living in the higher frequencies
I FEEL love, joy, and peace
I DO know this works
I LOVE myself enough to care
I SPEAK positive words
I SEE the magic that exists
I UNDERSTAND how it actually works
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